University Data Protection Office

NOVEMBER 27, 2020

The protection of personal data is an aspect in the recognition and respect of the people’s right to privacy guaranteed by our Philippine Constitution.[1] In passing Republic Act No. 10173 otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, the Philippines went beyond mere constitutional guarantees to an enabling law that effected said constitutional provisions on the protection of all forms of information. It ensures that the rights and freedoms of persons are not violated. This serves as a counter balance to that equally recognized fundamental right of the people to information and the State policy of full public disclosure and transparency.

The Data Privacy Act ensures that entities or organizations processing personal data establish policies, and implement measures and procedures that guarantee the safety and security of personal data under their control or custody, thereby upholding the data privacy rights of persons.

Benguet State University, is a Personal Information Controller (PIC) in that it controls the processing of personal data through its various data processing units or instructs another (called the Privacy Information Processor) to process personal data on its behalf, in some instances. These data are obtained from clients (Data Subjects) in relation to the discharge of its legitimate mandates and functions, and other professional services accessed by such data subjects.

Thus, BSU is obliged to adopt policies that would govern its data processing (Data Privacy) and implement reasonable and appropriate measures to protect such personal data in its custody against natural dangers such as accidental loss or destruction, and human dangers such as unlawful access, fraudulent misuse, unlawful destruction, alteration and contamination (Data Security).

Against this backdrop are BSU’s data privacy issuances, herein uploaded for the information and guidance of the University community and the general public. Other sub-policies may be adopted by the University’s data processing units peculiar to their own mandates. These shall also be uploaded in this portion of the BSU website.


[1] See Art. II, Sec. 11; Article III, Secs. 2, 3, 17 1987 Philippine Constitution