The University shall provide graduate and undergraduate courses in the arts, sciences, humanities, and professional fields in agriculture, natural sciences, technology, and other technical and professional courses as the Board of Regents may determine and deem proper. It shall also promote research, extension, agribusiness, and advanced studies and progressive leadership in its field of specialization.

There shall be organized relevant research centers in the University to develop technologies on sub-tropical agriculture and natural resources, which will backstop and enhance the growth and development of the Cordillera area and other highland areas.

BSU, like any other State Universities is governed by a BOARD OF REGENTS.

The Administration. The administration of the University shall be vested in the president of the University who shall render full-time service. The president shall be assisted by vice-presidents who shall be appointed by the Board of Regents upon the former’s recommendation.

Administrative Council. There shall be an administrative council consisting of the president of the University as Chairman, the vice president(s), deans, directors, and other officials of equal rank as members, and whose function is to review and recommend to the Board of Regents policies governing the administration, management, and development planning of the University for appropriate action.

Academic Council. There shall be an academic council with the president of the University as Chairman and all members of the instructional staff with a rank of not lower than assistant professor as members.
The academic council shall have the power to review and recommend the curricular offerings and rules of discipline of the University subject to appropriate action of the Board of Regents. It shall fix the requirements for the admission of students as well as for graduation and the conferment of degrees subject to review and/or approval by the Board of Regents through the president of the University.